
Supporting the idea that only white, male, landowners should vote would outrage women, minorities and apartment renters. Disenfranchising people due to race, gender or anything (which oddly includes people that can’t even prove they are American citizens) would probably enrage many Americans, especially progressives. And yet—I am wagering that most people—particularly progressives–believe that certain adults should be disenfranchised.

When I hear people announce they will not live in America if (Bush, Obama, Trump, Clinton) gets elected they are basically saying:

  • I agree with democratic principles but only as long as my candidate wins.
  • Not every adult should be allowed to vote. Not everyone should be enfranchised.
  • Only people with my race, gender, beliefs, ideology, should vote.

If you believe in full democracy, one should never threaten to live somewhere else when a bad candidate gets elected. Unless, of course, you think only white, male, landowners should be the only ones that vote in our elections. For whether it is white or black, male or female, owner or renter—if you disenfranchise someone aren’t you essentially saying the same thing?